Club Secretary, Janek
Admin, Wed Jan 26 2022
Jut to let you all know that Janek is in hospital having had the left foot and lower leg amputated below the knee due to a problem with his veins, last Wednesday
Janek has been a long time member NECPWA serving for many years as librarian and stalwart member of York Branch, his sterling work at Sledmere, particularly with the BBQ, has been much appreciated over the years.
I spoke to him tonight and he is to be in hospital for two months while they access his progress.
He is able to take phone calls via his mobile 07484 032429 so if you have a free minute or two feel free to call him as he is not allowed visitors.
Regards John Bilton, Club Chairman.
Re: Club Secretary, Janek
Admin, Mon Apr 24 2023
Sorry to say Janek rang me this morning to let me know he's back in hospital. The problem he had with his left leg has now started in the right.
Hopefully they have tried a new procedure which is to take three months to confirm its worked or he may have to loose his second leg.
I have sent him the clubs best wishes, if you have a few minuets to spare please give him a quick ring as it may be quite a while before we see him again.
Janeks number is 07484 032429
Regards John