From today (18 May 2022), drivers in England, Scotland and Wales can take newly-accredited training to learn and improve the skills they need to safely tow. Full details online:
Information about what you can drive and tow depending on when you passed your test is alos online:
Trailer and Caravan Towing Guidance. UPDATE March 2023
Admin, Sat Mar 04 2023
Have you checked your Trailer or Caravan lately?Between 2019 and 2021 the DVSA checked 3,813 non-testable trailers, of which 730 were caravans. However, due to reporting constraints during the pandemic, there is less data than anticipated relating to some areas, as identified below.
The checks show a disparity between the compliance of trailers and caravans. Of 3,083 trailers (non-caravan) that were checked, 50% were non-compliant, and 41% were issued with an immediate prohibition (that is, defects so dangerous that repairs are required before further use of the trailer). Of the 730 caravans that were checked, 12% had a prohibitable defect, 7% being issued with an immediate prohibition.
The most common defects for non-caravans related to lamps (36% of all non-caravan defects were for lamps), running gear (which includes tyres, 21%), and brakes (20%). For caravans, the most common defect was also lamps (57%), followed by chassis (which includes breakaway cables, 22%), and running gear (which includes tyres, 11%).
Only 537 of the 3,083 (non-caravan) trailers checked recorded the trailer type. The data available shows that construction trailers had the highest prohibition rates (52%), compared to agriculture (32%), livestock (28%) and vehicle transporter (28%). However, analysts have advised that this data should be considered indicative rather than comprehensive due to the sample size.
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